Thought Provoking Quotes
Here are some amazing quotes and wise one liners
that have been collected along the way to get you thinking

"When God is about to do something great, He starts with a difficulty. When He is about to do something truly magnificant, He starts with an impossibility."
A. Gesswein.
"A little faith will bring a soul to heaven. A lot of faith will bring heaven to the soul." - C.H. Spurgen

"The Spirit of God whets the appetite by giving us a taste of what's ahead. He puts a little heaven in our hearts so that we will never settle for anything less." - C. Cairnes.
"What a joy to go into every new day, every new opportunity, and every new responsibility with the confidence that all that i ever need for the present moment is available right now in Jesus Christ." - Charles Price

"It is God that worketh." Men work like men, and nothing more is expected of man that what a man can do. But God worketh like God and with Him nothing is impossible." Author Unknown
"What are you looking for, and where are you looking for it? If it is anything or any place other than Jesus Christ you will never be satisfied" - Charles Stanley

"Be more concerned with your character than with your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are." - Unknown
"The whole believer's well-being in Christ and acceptance that we find in Him are derived from the fact that the Father is well pleased with the Son." - Mark Fenn.
"All our springs are in Him: in Him we boast all the day long. Our confidence is not in ourselves but in Him who has wrought everything for us. We hang on His Name, trust in His work, gaze on His Person, and wait for His coming. - C.H. Mackintosh.
"The fruit of the Spirit is the character of Christ. it is not obtainable by imitating Him, but only by allowing Christ to be Himself in us." - Charles Price.