My Man is in the Glory
My Man is in the glory, though we are far apart
From thence He reaches out His love, and fills my heart -
With joy that’s overflowing; the world could not give such.
How could the world give more than He Who loved so much?
My Man is in the glory, who suffered on the tree,
That there might be a home in heaven, a place for me!
Such love beyond comparing. Such grace, I wonder why
The Holy One would give so much for such as I?
My Man is in the glory, and seated on the Throne.
He intercedes both day and night for I His own.
A dwelling place of beauty He does for me prepare.
And in that place there’ll never be a sorrow there!
My Man is in the glory, He is my very own.
Earth’s waters cannot quench my soul but His alone.
Alone with my dear Saviour I walk this earthly night,
And humbly wait until my faith gives way to sight.
My Man is in the glory, the air of heaven I breathe.
His love means more than life before this world I leave.
I long with all my being His lovely face to see;
When at last I’ll be with Him Eternally!