Is Anything Too Hard For The Lord?
How oft' these words encourage me,
When all resources seem to be almost at an end,
When my folks need things I can't provide,
My Lord, who owns the earth beside, for all my needs will tend.
That once so gentle little child,
Is now rebellious and so wild, can any one tame him?
He who rebuked the stormy sea
So there was calm immediately can give him peace within.
The wearied one on a mission field
Who longs for even one to yield himself and bow the knee;
But He who knows the heart of man
It's not to hard for Him to span and set that sinner free.
The saints who gather in His Name,
In secret, how it seems so vain, their longing to be free,
To freely gather as they please,
But prayer to God on bended knees can change the powers that be.
For nothing is too hard for Him
If only we could take it in, the greatness of His power
To change the hearts of sinful men
To walk a holy life now when they shunned Him every hour.
Almighty God can do things when
It seems impossible with men. Be glad, Oh, wearied soul -
The Lord, all glory to His Name,
Today, as yesterday the same, is in complete control.